DevOps is a culture, movement, or practice that emphasizes the collaboration and communication between software developers and IT operations professionals, while automating and accelerating the process of software delivery and infrastructure changes.
Implementing DevOps practices requires several types of investment: in people, in education, in tools, in organizational alignment, and much more. But determining the value received by your organization in exchange for these investments can be difficult — what exactly should you measure? How do you make the case that these investments are worthwhile?
In this solutions brief:
- The importance of DevOps and the impact it has on your organization
- How to tie ROI to business goals
- DevOps metrics that can be used in determining ROI
"The PagerDuty Operations Cloud is critical for TUI. This is what is actually going to help us grow as a business when it comes to making sure that we provide quality services for our customers."
- Yasin Quareshy, Head of Technology at TUI