Microsoft Teams Integration Guide

Microsoft Teams v1 Legacy Integration

This guide is available for those who previously installed and are still using Microsoft Teams v1. The Microsoft Teams v1 integration is no longer available for initial install from the Microsoft store. For customers who have been using v1, Microsoft has kept all configurations and will continue to support the integration in these cases.

To use our latest version, please visit our Microsoft Teams v2 integration guide.

In Microsoft Teams

  1. Navigate to the Teams tab and locate the team that you're looking to integrate with PagerDuty. Then, locate the channel you want to integrate with Pagerduty, click on the ellipses and select Connectors from the dropdown. If this is the first Connector that you have ever added to your Microsoft Teams account, you must allow external APPs in your Microsoft Teams account to add new Connectors. If you need pointers on how to do this, please reach out to Microsoft Teams support.
  2. A new window will pop up. Search for PagerDuty in the search box and click the Add button after it shows up in the connections list.
  3. Enter in a name for your PagerDuty connection and click the Create button.
  4. Copy the Webhook URL and save it to use in a later step. Then, check the boxes under Notifications to configure what type of notifications you want to receive in Teams.
  5. Scroll to the bottom of the popup and click the Done button to save your new connection.

In PagerDuty

  1. In the navigation, click to Configuration and select Extensions.
  2. Once you are on the Extensions page, go to the section for Service Extensions.
  3. Under the Service Extensions section, click + New Extension.
  4. Select v2 Webhook from the dropdown menu.
  5. Enter in a Name for your Extension and select a Service from the dropdown.
  6. Paste the Webhook URL that you copied from Teams into the URL field and click the Save button.


Can I integrate multiple PagerDuty services to a single Microsoft Team?

Yes! You will need to create an extension for each service that you would like to integrate with your Team.

What type of information is sent to Microsoft Teams?

The webhook will include the Incident Number and ID, the Creation Date, Incident Urgency, Status of the incident, who it is Assigned To, the name of the Service and a button to View in PagerDuty.

Is this a two-way ack/resolve integration?

This is a one-way integration sending notifications to Microsoft Teams.

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