Temboo Integration Guide

This integration requires use of our v1 REST API which was decommissioned on October 19, 2018.

For more information about the v1 REST API decommissioning, take a look at our FAQ here: https://v2.developer.pagerduty.com/v2/docs/v1-rest-api-decommissioning-faq

Please contact Temboo to inquire about the status of this upgrade.

Temboo provides normalized access to over 100 APIs, saving you the effort of learning how to use each one. The Temboo Library contains over 1800 special methods called Choreos (as in choreography) for a wide range of APIs.

In this guide, we’ll use the PagerDuty Choreo for retrieving incident data from the PagerDuty API.

Setting up the PagerDuty / Temboo integration

In Temboo

  1. Get A Temboo Account:

    Go to Temboo.com and enter your email address on the home page. After confirming your email address and setting up an account name and password, you’ll have a free Temboo account with access to the entire Temboo library.

  2. Find the Choreo in The Library:

    Be sure you are logged into your Temboo account, and go to the Library page. On the left hand side you’ll see a list of all available APIs. Select "PagerDuty" and "Incidents":

  3. Setup the first Choreo:

    Enter your corresponding API-Access-Key, subdomain and incident-number from PagerDuty into the corresponding form-fields in the Temboo UI:

  4. Click on “TRY IT OUT” to make sure the expected data is returned from the PagerDuty API:

    Immediately below the API-response, you’ll see that the Sample Code has now been updated with all the inputs you entered for this Choreo run. This is code that you can copy and paste into your IDE to incorporate a Choreo directly into your application. Note that you can also select the programming language that you want the sample code in. You can also easily connect the output from PagerDuty's API with other Choreos you utilize in Temboo. For example, here's a Python script which combines two Choreos: http://git.io/5WAgXw . This sample script takes the incident-link from the PagerDuty API and then uses the BitLy Choreo to shorten the link.

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