
PagerDuty Receives Financial Services Competency From AWS

by Inga Weizman February 22, 2022 | 4 min read

We are excited to announce that PagerDuty is now an approved AWS Financial Services Competency Partner. We’re looking forward to expanding our global reach and helping financial services organizations accelerate their cloud migration and digital acceleration journeys. This will allow us to further streamline and automate financial service companies’ digital operations while helping them reduce risk and manage compliance requirements.

AWS is a trusted cloud provider for many financial service organizations, whether they are cloud-native or operating hybrid-cloud infrastructures. Becoming a trusted partner is no small feat. PagerDuty demonstrated AWS expertise within the financial services industry and met a number of requirements, including successfully completing an audit of our financial services solution.

Now, PagerDuty together with AWS can help more financial service organizations take full advantage of cloud-scale while up-leveling their digital operations management through automation, DevOps, service ownership, and streamlined communication. 

Change Was Imminent

Digital transformation has swept across all industries and geographies regardless of company size, helping pave the way for delivering new customer experiences, enabling faster innovation, and taking advantage of cloud scale and agility. The cloud has also made it much easier for new cloud-native organizations to quickly deliver services that consumers have been asking for.

The financial sector was especially primed for change, as consumer demands were ever-growing. New incumbents entering the market drove all organizations towards faster innovation to stay competitive. Combined with the shift to remote in 2020, the timing has never been better for digital transformation. 

Migrate to Modernize

The road to modernization has its hurdles for established financial organizations that operate as monoliths. These companies needed to change so they would not just survive but thrive. 

The move to the cloud isn’t just about technology, it’s about operations and, most importantly, the people who make it all possible. Driving a huge organizational shift in the way financial service companies work requires an alignment across people, tools, and processes. 

Financial service organizations found themselves faced with additional challenges as they began their cloud migration journeys. Mitigating and reducing risk and meeting compliance requirements in a highly regulated market added to the complexity of cloud adoption. This means they need to select secure tools that have guardrails and controls already baked in so they can meet compliance and regulatory requirements, while taking full advantage of cloud scale and agility so they can innovate faster for their customers. 

PagerDuty + AWS 

Financial services impact millions of people and billions of dollars in revenue when they are down. Outages can also become more complex in the cloud, with hundreds of services all being interconnected and dependent on each other. When every second counts, you need a digital operations platform that will help you streamline and automate incident response and help align people, tools, and processes. 

The PagerDuty Operations Cloud ™ manages all aspects of urgent and mission-critical work for a modern, digital business. It’s a scalable, secure, flexible platform built on AWS that integrates into and across enterprises, people, and technology to identify, escalate, automate and resolve urgent and time-sensitive work for these businesses before customers, employees, or the business’s reputation are impacted.  

Our industry-leading set of AWS integrations enables organizations of all sizes to harness the power of the cloud as teams transition from siloed and centralized approaches to multiple, distributed teams and hybrid infrastructure driving faster digital transformation, securely, at scale. 

With PagerDuty + AWS, financial service organizations can: 

  • Streamline and automate incident response across the entire enterprise and hybrid-cloud infrastructure to deliver customer value
  • Automate threat response processes for security issues that could impact AWS infrastructure and ensure the right people are immediately notified with PagerDuty’s integration with Amazon GuardDuty and AWS Security Hub 
  • Ensure everyone has complete visibility and clear ownership across your technical and business services as you shift to a microservices architecture

With PagerDuty and our industry-leading AWS integrations, financial service organizations can accelerate their cloud migration and enterprise modernization initiatives by aligning people, tools, and processes. Financial service organizations can begin to break down the monolith and transition to a microservices architecture to gain cloud scale and agility. All this results in faster innovation and happier customers. 

To learn more, check out our recent webinar and presentation at re: Invent to learn more.