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Zen Your Life with Event Intelligence

Zen Your Life with Event Intelligence

Are you and your teams inundated by the flood of alerts from your applications and infrastructure? Far too often, responders are shaken from their slumber, only to learn that they were paged for an un-actionable incident that doesn’t require their attention. And when a critical outage does occur, finding the proverbial “needle in the haystack” is humanly impossible because of all the alert noise to sift through.

In this session, Luke Rotta, Manager of SRE and Software Infrastructure for Chicago Trading Company (CTC) joins PagerDuty Sr. Director of Product Erick Dean on the benefits of using PagerDuty Event Intelligence and how it has helped CTC effectively manage noise and enjoy a full night’s rest.

Learning Objectives:

  • Learn about the added features to PagerDuty Event Intelligence
  • Understand how PagerDuty Event Intelligence can help reduce noise for your teams

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"The PagerDuty Operations Cloud is critical for TUI. This is what is actually going to help us grow as a business when it comes to making sure that we provide quality services for our customers."

- Yasin Quareshy, Head of Technology at TUI

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PagerDuty image

Erick Dean

Senior Director of Product Management


PagerDuty image

Luke Rotta

Manager, SRE and Software Infrastructure

Chicago Trading Company, LLC