On-Call Management and Notifications

World-class organizations use PagerDuty as a DevOps best practice to enforce accountability and service quality at scale. With intuitive, flexible scheduling and escalations, PagerDuty On-Call Management makes it simple to distribute on-call responsibilities across teams, so you can ensure the exact right people are notified when time is on the line.

Maximize accountability.

On-call scheduling and escalations are key to equitably distributing workloads while safeguarding the business with 24x7 coverage.

Reach the right people.

Ensure that operational issues and incidents are always sent to the right individual or teams that can address them in real time.

Manage incidents your way.

Get notified and take action on issues immediately, from any device, wherever you may be.

"PagerDuty is a critical part of our alerting mechanisms and has helped us handle issues at all times of the night. We’d be pretty unhappy without it. "

Mike Fiedler Datadog

Product capabilities

  • Live call routing
  • Service and team organization
  • Flexible, dynamic notifications
  • User-friendly scheduling
  • Self-serve schedule management
  • Automated escalations
  • Mobile incident management

Live call routing

Enable anyone to reach your on-call teams immediately to report incidents simply by calling a phone number. Inbound calls get routed via the same on-call schedules and escalation policies you use for your critical apps and services with PagerDuty, so anyone can reach the right responder immediately or leave a voicemail that becomes an incident.

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Automate incident resolution with
Runbook Automation.

Getting started is easy, and free.
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