
Modernizing Your Digital Operations with Sumo Logic and PagerDuty

by Sameer Nori October 17, 2019 | 3 min read

As digital transformation continues to be central to an organization’s growth mandate, it’s critical to ensure that customer-facing, revenue-generating, mission-critical applications are operationally reliable and secure. That’s where Sumo Logic comes in—for almost 10 years, we have been providing a Continuous Intelligence platform for DevSecOps that’s utilized by over 2000+ customers in almost every vertical. Customers use Sumo Logic to monitor, alert, and troubleshoot application performance issues, quickly identify threats, and do deep threat detection.

A critical component of that platform is over 150 apps and integrations that enable customers to easily integrate with leading platforms and tools in the DevSecOps ecosystem. PagerDuty is a critical component in the Sumo Logic ecosystem for modern incident response and integrates seamlessly with Sumo Logic. Both platforms have a bi-directional integration, and the joint solution delivers significant benefits to customers, including:

  • Creation of automated alerts in PagerDuty via Sumo Logic scheduled searches, which allows you to create prioritized alerts based on analyzing vast amounts of logs or metrics machine data from your mission-critical production applications and DevOps infrastructure. You can then use PagerDuty to ensure the right person is alerted via your notification mechanism of choice.
  • Collection and analysis of PagerDuty alert data in Sumo Logic to determine which incidents, users, and services need the most attention and insights to help optimize the incident response process.
  • Detection of anomalies in alert creation and escalation.

Setup and Configuration

Creating a connection to PagerDuty in Sumo Logic is a matter of adding a new service in PagerDuty and setting up the PagerDuty webhook connection in Sumo Logic via a simple form, as shown below.

To analyze PagerDuty alert data, you need to first set up the ability to receive HTTP callbacks in Sumo Logic when incident events occur in your PagerDuty account. Next, install the PagerDuty app in the Sumo Logic console to automatically analyze and report on alert data via pre-built dashboards.

For example, the Incidents Overview dashboard shown below can be used to get a high-level view of all incidents to understand trends and deviations in incident creation and escalation.

For additional details, refer to the Sumo Logic documentation for setting up the Webhook connection and for installing the PagerDuty app.

Customer Story

There are a number of joint customers using both Sumo Logic and PagerDuty to improve their digital operations. Wag is a great example of a customer that’s deriving significant value from both Sumo Logic and PagerDuty.

For those unfamiliar with Wag, the company is an on-demand dog-walking, sitting, boarding, and daycare platform that operates in 43 states and 110 cities. Wag had logs in a number of different places and no cohesive way to view logs and metrics, search and analyze those logs, or alert on those when needed. With Sumo Logic, Wag has been able to create a single-pane-of-glass view that provides them with rich visual dashboards on system performance, application performance, and security. Wag utilizes PagerDuty to get instant alerting via multiple channels, including email, Slack, SMS, and push notification on issues and outages.

Wag has seen significant benefits with the joint solution, with engineers having visibility into all aspects of their service’s performance, as well as having end-to-end ownership of code, from development and testing, all the way to deployment and production. Net result: Dogs and their pet parents are very happy with the Wag service!

For more information on the Sumo Logic + PagerDuty joint solution and integration, visit the PagerDuty apps page. And you can spin up Sumo Logic for a free trial as well.