
More Pager Dutonians

by PagerDuty January 30, 2013 | 2 min read

We’re happy to announce the addition of 4 new Pager dudes and dudettes; David Lanstein, Doug Barth, Ryan Hoskin, and Sam Noland.

Lanstien A few years back you would have found David coding away at Splunk, but not today! the Director of Major Accounts, David will be heading our Sales Department. David brings 2 years of technical sales experience and the remarkable skill of opening champagne.


dougDoug is an all around smart guy and a great addition to our ops team. He has the rare skill of honing in on small details while still keeping the big picture in mind. Along with being straight up brilliant, Doug brings in the best homemade baked goods. Hackday project: Parallelizing our test suite to run faster on multi-core machines.


photo (1)Ryan AKA the “Microsoft Support Guru” brings 8+ years of technical customer support experience to the PD support team. Since the majority of the Pager dudes and dudettes work on Mac’s, we’re ecstatic to finally have a Microsoft expert on board to help support our Window’s users. Though he won’t admit it, Ryan is quite the dancer. Hackday project: PowerShell script to import Windows Active Directory users into PagerDuty.


0e31e96 And then we have Sam, our newest addition to the Happiness Team. With her previous Vibe Managing experience, Sam brings a tool belt full of tricks, ideas, and skills that will help maintain our company culture in both our San Francisco and Toronto offices’  [Editor’s note: Sam wrote most of this blog post but was entirely too modest about herself] Hackday project: Ducksboard status board in our lobby.


We’re always growing, and if you have an urge to make the world more reliable, give us a shout.