
5 DevOps Must-Reads Before IBM InterConnect

by Megan Sutphin February 17, 2016 | 3 min read

A DevOps Primer to Help You at IBM InterConnect

Are you going to IBM Interconnect, but don’t know much about DevOps? We’ve got you covered. The annual event is usually geared towards hands-on training in cloud and mobile solutions, and focuses on security and analytics. But this year, they’re adding something new to the program: an entire track devoted to DevOps. Here are our recommendations for DevOps at the event, and a reading list to get you started.

DevOps at the Event

  • Check out the DevOps zone in the Solution EXPO. Visit us in booth 787 to get a demo or pick up some cool swag.
  • Attend sessions in the DevOps track, with themes like Transforming Application Delivery, DevOps for Enterprise Systems, and Deep Dives.
  • We recommend this session in particular: Driving Service Quality and Availability for Hybrid Cloud, featuring PagerDuty’s own Lead Product Manager, David Hayes. Feb 23rd at 4pm in the Expo Cloud Engagement Center.

A DevOps Reading List

Check out some of our most popular DevOps content, whether you’re prepping for the show or reading from afar.

  1. Best Practices in Outage Communication – Outages are a part of any business, but you can mitigate the damage by being prepared. What stakeholders will you tell? How will you alert customers? When do you involve other business units? Use our guide to craft an outage communication plan for your business.
  2. What is ChatOps? – You’ve heard this term a lot. But why would you want to implement it? What can ChatOps do for you? Read our primer on conversation-driven development to help your team automate tasks and work together better, cheaper, and faster.
  3. The DevOps Democracy – The principles of democracy have been with us for over two centuries. So why do so many business models still look like the British Empire? Read about how DevOps fosters a more democratic culture, and why that can help your business thrive.
  4. Five Ways to Create a Data-Driven Culture – Good data gives you the confidence to make fast decisions while minimizing risk, which is the bedrock of DevOps. Read our tips on how to create a data-driven workplace.
  5. #HugOps in Practice: Empathy Skills for DevOps – More collaboration means working more closely with your peers. But where’s the love? Here are ways to minimize friction between your teammates as you adopt DevOps.

Want to meet with us while you are in Vegas? Email to set up some time while you’re there.