
Enhance Your Customer Service with PagerDuty for ServiceNow CSM

by Hadijah Creary October 5, 2023 | 3 min read

In today’s fast-paced, digital-first landscape, delivering exceptional customer experience is paramount to business success. For customer service teams, that means maintaining service level agreements (SLAs) and ensuring swift responses to customer issues that can make or break your company’s reputation. Fortunately, PagerDuty has improved the way companies handle customer service teams and has built applications into ServiceNow’s CSM platform.

With the new PagerDuty Ruleset for ServiceNow, customers can streamline their customer service operations, save valuable time and resources, and prevent SLA breaches–all without the need for constant manual intervention from support agents. Let’s look at all the ways this can help your teams: 

The Power of PagerDuty Ruleset for ServiceNow CSM

  1. Automated Escalation

One of the most significant benefits of PagerDuty’s integration with ServiceNow CSM is the ability to create rules that automatically escalate customer issues to your engineering teams. This means that critical customer problems are swiftly directed to the right people without any manual intervention. Your support team can focus on enhancing the overall customer experience rather than handling routine escalations.

  1. Improved SLA Management

Gone are the days of keeping your support teams working around the clock to manage urgent customer issues and maintain SLAs. PagerDuty’s ruleset enables you to set up notifications for support agents only when high-priority cases are reported. This ensures that high-priority issues are promptly addressed, reducing the strain on your support staff and preventing SLA violations.

Addressing Common Customer Service Challenges

Have you ever faced situations where your support team:

  • Didn’t know about a customer issue?
  • Failed to respond to a customer issue on time?
  • Were unaware of new information that increased the priority or urgency of a customer issue?

If any of these scenarios sound familiar, PagerDuty for Customer Service Operations helps you solve all of these problems. 

Benefits of PagerDuty for Customer Service

Never Miss an Issue

Our ServiceNow application ensures your team is always in the know. Say goodbye to situations where your support staff is unaware of customer problems. Instant notifications are sent when high-priority or high-urgency issues are submitted, leaving no room for oversight.

Swift and Timely Response

In the world of customer service, time is of the essence. PagerDuty empowers your team to react swiftly and efficiently, meeting SLA requirements, and more importantly, keeping your customers satisfied. A quick response can often be the difference between a satisfied customer and a disgruntled one.

Stay Informed About Priority Changes

Don’t let critical information slip through the cracks. PagerDuty alerts you whenever new information is provided that increases the priority of a customer issue. This allows you to prioritize and address issues effectively, ensuring your customers receive the level of service they deserve.

Seamless Integration

PagerDuty for customer service seamlessly integrates with your existing customer service tools, making it a hassle-free addition to your workflow. You can trust PagerDuty to provide your customer service and support teams with the tools they need to react swiftly whenever customer issues arise.

Elevate Your Customer Service with PagerDuty

PagerDuty for Customer Service isn’t just about meeting expectations; it’s about exceeding them. Elevate your customer service to the next level with PagerDuty, and experience how proactive customer experience can grow and drive business success.

Choose PagerDuty today to enhance your customer experience and unlock the full potential of your customer service team. Join the ranks of businesses that are saving time, and resources, and maintaining impeccable SLAs with PagerDuty for ServiceNow CSM. Go here to learn more.