
Meet the Internal Tools Team at PagerDuty

by Angela Chapman November 25, 2013 | 2 min read

Our Internal Tools and Operations team help make sure our business runs smoothly. They ensure our internal apps for are always on, help spot trends and forecast the growth of PagerDuty love.

Kyle Napierkowski is the resident Data Guru at PagerDuty. He collects, cleans, and transforms customer data into meaningful information for the company — equal parts storyteller, janitor, scientist, and architect.
If you were a professional boxer, your walk-out song would be: Jurassic Park Theme Song
Professionally, you’re most proud of: Wearing my sexy sax man Sergio Flores costume in to the office
If you met Ben Franklin at a bar, what drink would you order: A Corpse Reviver
joel As a Data Engineer on PagerDuty’s Internal Tools team, Joel Eidsath makes it rain data. When he’s not making data fall from the sky, he enjoys reading old books and singing “Astronomy” by Oyster Cult.
Professionally, you’re most proud of: The friendships I’ve made over the years
Whose side are you on for the Ultimate Showdown: Walter White from Breaking Bad
If you could share a drink with anyone (dead or alive) who would it be: A flask of wine with Omar Khayyám.
eric Eric Walker is the newest addition to the Internal Tools Team.  He supports the IT group in building a data warehouse that helps to correlate, analyze, and summarize useful information hiding in various in-house and third-party databases and APIs.
What’s your favorite sports team: Oakland A’s
When you aren’t diligently digging through data at PagerDuty, what are you doing: Reading the New Yorker, catching up on the news, hiking around the Sunshine State, or even doing a little programing here and there on the weekends
baskar As one of the three founders, Baskar Puvanathasan has always been a builder at heart. He’s worked countless hours devoting his life and career to build the next great thing in IT with PagerDuty–and he’s done well!
What karaoke song do you kill it to (or kill people with)?: Enter Sandman – Metallica
What team do you cheer on?: Toronto Maple Leafs
On your off-time, what do you like doing?: Playing with my two-year-old