
PagerDuty Introduces Dial Extensions, Clickable URLs and more!

by Vivian Au October 30, 2013 | 2 min read

Our team is always hard at work to improve your PagerDuty experience. We’ve recently added a slew of new features to help you quickly respond to, manage and add context to your incidents.

Phone_AlertDial Extensions

Until we launched Dial Extensions, it wasn’t easy to receive alerts on your office phone if your number required callers to dial an extension. But now PagerDuty can navigate complex phone trees!

To navigate a phone tree simply insert a comma after your phone number in your settings. Each comma you insert will add a one second dial delay. For example, if your number is (555) 555-1234, ext. 456 input your number as 555-555-1234,456.

Description Fields

You can now add descriptions to your schedules, services, escalation policies and users. Adding a description is a great way to stay organized and give context when you have several people from your team updating your PagerDuty account.

Please note, description fields are limited to 1024 characters.

ClickClickable Incident URLs

All URLs in your incidents are now clickable and will open in a new window. This is great for when a team member supplies a link with additional information to help solve the issue at hand. You will no longer need to copy and paste URLs from your incident’s thread to get the information you need.

CORS is Live

Way back in July we previewed a new feature that integrates JavaScript with PagerDuty. Now you are able to trigger, acknowledge and resolve an alert from JavaScript in your browser.

As always, we love hearing from you. Have you had a chance to test drive these new features? Let us know in the comments or shoot us an email at