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Event Enrichment Platform (EEP) Joins PagerDuty to Cut Alert Fatigue

Operations teams are receiving more telemetry data from monitoring systems than ever before. But they are struggling to sift through this data to find what really matters - resulting in alert fatigue and missed alerts. For this reason, we’re proud to announce that long-time partner Event Enrichment HQ is joining the PagerDuty family to deliver the industry’s first integrated event management and incident resolution platform. Adding Event Enrichment HQ and its keystone product, the Event Enrichment Platform (EEP), to PagerDuty helps you quiet your noisy monitoring systems, reduce alert fatigue, and slash your incident resolution times.

3 min read


Easy Salesforce Deployments Using Slack and GitHub

Deploying in Salesforce requires a lot of steps. Each one must be performed manually and the entire process is prone to error. If you want to deploy to multiple environments then you have to repeat this entire process for each one. I wanted to use the same deployment system that we use for everything else at PagerDuty: n in-house deployment system named Igor controlled through our Lita bot called OfficerURL (URL for short), which allows us to deploy with a single command in Slack.

5 min read