

The Top 5 APM Tools

What are the top APM tools, and how can you leverage them to be even better? Click to learn more about how to never miss an alert and get analytics to see the full picture of the health of your product.

3 min read

Alerting, Announcements, Community, Features, On-Call Life

Event Enrichment Platform (EEP) Joins PagerDuty to Cut Alert Fatigue

Operations teams are receiving more telemetry data from monitoring systems than ever before. But they are struggling to sift through this data to find what really matters - resulting in alert fatigue and missed alerts. For this reason, we’re proud to announce that long-time partner Event Enrichment HQ is joining the PagerDuty family to deliver the industry’s first integrated event management and incident resolution platform. Adding Event Enrichment HQ and its keystone product, the Event Enrichment Platform (EEP), to PagerDuty helps you quiet your noisy monitoring systems, reduce alert fatigue, and slash your incident resolution times.

3 min read

Alerting, DevOps

Four Things We Learned about DevOps in London

Today’s customer expects everything to be fast and always on, so uptime is crucial. This creates an entirely new set of business challenges for organisations with complex IT departments and a need for more agile IT Ops. We reviewed the top trends we are learning from customers on the road and what you need to consider when transitioning from a more traditional IT organisation.

3 min read

Alerting, On-Call Life, Operations Performance

Five Ways to Create a Data-Driven Culture

No one should need to be convinced the value of good data. It gives you the confidence to make decisions quickly and with less risk, it allows you to measure your success, and it lets you know when you need to adjust your course. But there’s a difference between knowing the value of data, and creating a culture around it. A data-driven culture is a culture where everyone quantifies their actions as much as possible, and asks themselves how their teams are having a tangible impact on the business. It turns your entire organization into a squad of analysts. But fostering a data-driven culture isn’t always easy. Here are five steps that will help you get there.

3 min read

Alerting, Announcements, Community, Partnerships

Give Silent Failures a Voice with Dead Man’s Snitch and PagerDuty

Don't let the hardboiled-sounding name of our latest integration scare you off, because this monitoring service is a great way to get notified when one of your mission-critical scheduled tasks suddenly sleeps with the fishes. Dead Man’s Snitch is an uptime-monitor for cron or periodic jobs like backups or batch processing, and it alerts you when your jobs don’t run so you can investigate before it becomes a problem.

3 min read